Alan Dershowitz: My hero, Alan Allen and Woody Dershowitz

This link has three interview clips with one of my heroes, Alan Dershowitz, a great thinker, scholar, and advocate for justice.


It is well worth the time to watch the interview(s).

–Woody Dershowitz?

–Alan Allen?

My fascination with Dershowitz is enhanced by the fact that Dershowitz’s voice reminds me so much of Woody Allen’s voice, plus there is a certain degree of resemblance in their looks.   I hope that Woody uses Alan in a film one day…

The resemblance gives Woody and air and undercurrent of scholarly brilliance in his humor and writing, and gives Dershowitz an edge and potential for being hysterically funny in the midst of a brilliant analysis.

The become a sort of a hydra-headed comic lawyer beast that overwhelms opponents with words and ideas–humorous and  true at the same time.

A phone is shown with the number 3 0 on it.
